Why is it important for to teach children about their heritage, and what things should you be sure to teach them?
1. It is important for our children to know of the past and the things that brought about their freedom in this country. They must know of the brave souls that fought for our liberty. They must know of the struggles that this country went through as a new and struggling nation of God loving people who desired freedom to worship and live. They must know about the Constitution of the United States of America. You must help them to understand the constitution, what it is, what it stands for, and what it means for them going forward. You must do it, the public school system may cover it for just a brief moment, but it is watered down and sugar coated until it has lost much of what it is. The school system cannot make up for you sharing your own experience and love for this country. Teach your children to honor the flag and other symbols of our freedom, for it is a rock upon which they must stand. Teach them the pledge of Allegiance. Teach them the star spangled banner. Teach them about the land of the free. Teach them to be brave. Teach them to honor the freedoms they have and to stand in liberty.
A great read on the history of our country is Seven Miracles That Saved America: Why They Matter and Why We Should Have Hope
2. Our children should know about their Grandparents, Great Grandparents and so on. It is important for them. I have found great strength through knowing my grandparents. My Grandma turned 94 this year. She is one of those people I have looked to for inspiration over the years. In fact, one of my very first blog posts was all about her. Our extended families can give us clues to our life. We can learn from their mistakes and we can gain wisdom and strength from their life experiences. Make it an experience for your children by sharing the stories of their close ancestors. My mother in-law is a great story-teller. She has shared many stories about my Husband and his family. She makes it fun for us all to learn about our relatives.
3. Most of all teach them of their Spiritual heritage. We are all Children of God. Teach your children of that God who created them. Teach them to love the scriptures. Our evening time for the past several months has been spent in telling the stories of the scriptures. My young children are begging to know more. Every night it is, "just one more Bible story!" They are hungry for the word of God. I have had to step up my studies of the scriptures just to keep up with them. It is a wonderful thing to see their eyes light up as I tell them stories of the great prophets, and tell them about the miracles that came about through faith in the Lord.
It was just a few generations ago that most people read the scriptures and family Bibles were cherished treasures, but it is a tradition that has gone away in many parts of the country. It is time to bring it back.
It is a time to take a good look to at the word of God especially the book of revelation as we are upon the doorstep of the things John saw concerning the world as it comes very close to the time when Christ shall come again. Just take a look around, you will see that the signs of His coming are all around us.
May you and your family find hope for the future as you turn to the past.
Happy Momma